

2023-10-26 10:12:27 來源: 搜虎网 作者:搜虎网



党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视基础教育,作出一系列重大决策部署,推动基础教育取得历史性成就、实现结构性改革。变化。 为“学与教”、“建设世界最大的教育体系”、“实现教育大众化水平的历史性跨越”发挥了重要作用,特别是实现了义务教育有保障、县域间基本平衡,取得了巨大成就。为全面建设小康社会作出贡献。 作出积极贡献。

政策体系进一步完善。 党中央、国务院专门印发了关于学前教育、义务教育、普通高中、“双扣”、中小学党组织领导的校长负责制、高质量发展等方面的重要文件。均衡义务教育,全面系统部署基础教育工作。 充分体现了党中央、国务院对基础教育的高度重视,有效完善了基础教育保障机制和政策体系。

受欢迎程度显着提高。 学前教育普及速度最快。 2022年,全国学前三年毛入园率达到89.7%,比2012年提高25.2个百分点; 普惠性幼儿园覆盖率达到89.6%,比2016年提高22.3个百分点,实现跨越式发展。 最难普及的是巩固率。 到2022年,九年义务教育巩固率达到95.5%,比十年前提高3.7个百分点。 适龄残疾儿童入学率超过96%; 高中阶段毛入学率达到91.6%。 我国基础教育普及水平总体接近发达国家水平,更好地满足了人民群众对“教育”的需求。

办学条件显着改善。 基础教育财政支出占全国财政教育支出总额的70%。 城乡统一义务教育经费保障机制不断完善。 近五年学前教育财政经费年均增幅超过15%。 制定普通高中生均不低于1000元的公费基本标准和特殊教育生均公费标准。 达到7000元。 与十年前相比,基础教育专任教师总数增长30%,本科以上学历教师比例从47.6%提高到77.7%。 生均教学面积增加三分之一,生均仪器设备价值增加两倍,互联网接入率从25%提高到近100%。 中西部地区农村学校办学条件改善明显超过当地发展水平。

紧迫感和焦虑感可以得到有效缓解。 “双减”工作取得积极成效,作业总量和时长得到有效控制,课后服务基本实现全覆盖。 民办义务教育标准化稳步推进,就近入学、中小学“公民招生”全面实施,义务教育“择校热”明显降温。 普惠性学前教育资源不断扩大,“入园难、入园贵”问题得到有效缓解。 家庭、学校、社区协同育人机制逐步形成,办学活力不断增强。

教育质量稳步提高。 坚持“五育”、强调全面教育,中小学党建和德育工作明显加强,劳动教育得到重视。 育人蓝图全面绘制,新修订的义务教育、普通高中课程计划和各科课程标准颁布实施,中等职业学校三科课程标准颁布实施第一次。 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想课程体系和教材体系初步构建。 《习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想学生读本》已全面使用。 义务教育三科统一教材已实现全覆盖。 普通高中新课程新教材已全面实施,中等职业学校三科统一教材即将使用。 教学研究和教学指导不断加强,成立了教育部基础教育教学指导委员会,积极推广应用国家级优秀教学成果。 基础教育数字化水平有效提升,“国家中小学智慧教育平台”升级并广泛应用。 全国教育质量监测显示,约80%的学生学习成绩达到平均水平以上; 部分省份连续参加国际学生评估计划(PISA)测试,总体成绩名列前茅。

这些成就的取得是令人瞩目的。 习近平总书记在主持中共中央政治局第五次集体学习时指出,我国建成了世界上规模最大的教育体系,教育现代化总体水平进入世界前列。中上国家。 中国特色社会主义教育发展道路是完全正确的。 习近平总书记在视察北京育英学校时强调,中国特色社会主义教育体系是好的,我国基础教育在世界上具有优势。 我们要坚定文化自信,坚持自己的好东西,学习国外的好东西。 我们要坚定教育自信,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义教育发展道路,切实增强办好基础教育的责任感、使命感、荣誉感。


教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展_教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展_

当前,我国基础教育逐步由弱到强、由强到优,进入高质量发展新阶段。 在建设教育强国的背景下,必须准确把握基础教育面临的新形势新任务。

中央决策部署提出新要求。 习近平总书记在主持中央政治局第五次集体学习时的重要讲话,吹响了建设教育强国的号角。 面向2035年,我们要着眼于充分发挥基础教育的“基点”作用,加快建设基础教育强国。 。 一方面,要坚定自信、夯实基础,巩固和发扬我国基础教育的优势,教育引导学生打下热爱党、热爱国家、热爱人民、从小培养社会主义精神,打牢中华优秀传统文化基础,为民族复兴人才打下坚实基础。 另一方面,要面向未来,增强后劲,培育创新人才成长的沃土,扎实提高学生综合素质,为学生终身发展奠定基础,为高等教育和高等教育发展提供支撑。加强人才队伍建设。

学龄人口的变化带来新的挑战。 十年来,我国基础教育阶段适龄人口稳步增长,从2.06亿增至2.33亿; 未来十年,将会出现更加明显的峰谷变化。 短期要应对“全面二孩”政策带来的小学学龄人口入学高峰; 从长远来看,我们需要特别关注不同学校阶段的不同趋势。 为应对学龄人口变化带来的新挑战,各地需要打破各级学校协调共享师资和校园建筑的政策障碍,完善基础教育学位供给动态调整机制以适应学龄人口规模的变化。

职业改革和发展提出新要求。 基础教育还存在一些亟待解决的重点难点问题,特别是教育强国建设的要求。 比如,总体普及水平不够高,发展不平衡不充分的问题比较突出。 普及学前教育保障机制有待进一步完善。 义务教育城乡、学校之间差距较大。 高中学校多元化发展不足。 特殊教育资源不足、不适应。 只看成绩、升学的功利主义倾向并没有从根本上扭转。 体育、美术、劳动教育短板明显,灌输式教育普遍,学生创新能力培养不够,“小胖子”“小眼镜”问题尚未彻底解决,数字化教育教育赋权效果尚不明显。 这就要求我们进一步深化教育教学改革,全面提高教育质量。

人民群众对基础教育有了新的期待。 实现“好好学习”的目标后,人民群众对“好好学习”的需求日益迫切。 一方面,人民群众对优质教育资源的需求更加强烈,都希望上“好学校”。 这就要求我们千方百计扩大优质教育资源,大力增加优质学位供给,通过供给侧改革增强人民群众基础知识。 教育获得感和幸福感。 另一方面,人民群众对教育公平的诉求更加凸显,对优质教育“既关心稀缺又不平等”。 这就要求我们大力推动均衡发展和城乡一体化,解决好基础教育区域、城乡、学校问题。 要解决校际差距问题,特别是教师资质校际差距问题,进一步促进教育公平,提高人民群众对基础教育的满意度。

数字时代客观上需要新的变革。 习近平总书记深刻指出,当今时代,数字技术和数字经济是世界科技革命和产业变革的第一次机遇,是新一轮国际竞争的关键领域。 我们必须抓住机遇,抢占未来发展的制高点。 数字技术日益成为推动人类社会思维、组织结构、运行模式发生根本性变革和全面重塑的主导力量。 这为我们创新、重塑形态、促进发展提供了新的重大机遇。 也带来了新的挑战。 这种机遇和挑战不仅体现在教与学方式的变化上,也体现在教育治理方式的变化上。 通过优质教育资源的数字化共享,提高基础教育管理效率,我们才刚刚起步,需要继续探索。


2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年。 今年是实施“十四五”规划的重要一年,是统筹规划教育强国建设的关键之年。 要进一步找准重点领域,确定主攻方向,明确重点任务,落实落实措施。


2022年,中共中央办公厅印发《关于在中小学建立党组织领导的校长负责制的意见(试行)》,这是保证党的执政能力的必然要求。教育方针和党中央的决策部署在中小学贯彻执行。 各地要认真按照中央部署要求,推动改革落地。 要健全充分发挥中小学党组织领导作用的体制机制,切实履行把方向、管大局、决策、抓班子、带头的领导职责。团队,并确保实施; 支持和保障校长依法行使职权,建立健全议事决策制度,健全党组织会议制度、校长办公会议制度和党政协调运行机制。 推动选优,加强学校领导班子建设,“一校一案”成熟后逐项调整,鼓励有条件的学校实施“一校一案”。 通过中小学管理体制改革,全面加强党的领导,特别是加强思想政治和道德教育工作,解决“培养谁、如何培养、为谁培养”的根本问题。

中小学德育工作直接关系到培养社会主义建设者和接班人问题。 必须天天做、不断更新,要不断聚焦、不断深化、不断取得成效。 关键是丰富和拓展德育载体渠道,加强课程教育。 以人为本、文化教育、活动教育、实践教育、管理教育、协同教育,注重潜移默化、无声无息、常态发展,找到合适的方式方法,切实增强德育实效。

中小学思想政治课是关系长远、全局的大事。 习近平总书记高度重视思想政治课工作,专门主持召开学校思想政治理论课教师座谈会并发表重要讲话。 2022年,教育部印发《关于进一步加强新时代中小学思想政治课建设的意见》。 各地要继续深化思政课改革创新,推动每所中小学都把思政课当成“教育课”。 “黄金教训”。 要按照小学重启道德情感、初中夯实思想基础、提高政治素养的目标,统筹推进、分步设计思想政治课程教学内容。在高中。 要注重实践、强化实效,用反映新时代十年伟大变化的鲜活案例作为思想政治教材,有机融入实践教学内容,打造“思想政治理论课”。生活课程”和“行走思想政治课堂”,让学生从身边的人、事、变化中增强自己的体验和感悟。 加强思想政治教师理想信念教育,注重言传身教,做到学、思、用融会贯通,知信行相统一。 要规范管理,强化保障,加强对思想政治课实施情况的监督检查。 各级教育行政部门干部到中小学调研,要敞开心扉听思政课,彻底解决思政课落实不到位的问题。 存在开放不足、拥挤等问题。 要组织选拔推出一批思想政治“精品课程”,加强优质教辅资源建设,提高教师专业水平,切实为中小学教育提供坚实保障办好思想政治课。


优质教育资源短缺是长期困扰基础教育的老大难问题。 根本解决办法是“把蛋糕做大”,扩大优质教育资源的供给总量、覆盖面、效益。 近日,教育部会同国家发展改革委、财政部联合印发《关于实施新时代基础教育扩大质量提升行动计划的意见》(简称《计划》) 《关于扩大质量提高基础教育的若干意见》),将用五年左右的时间,进一步推动大幅扩充优质基础教育资源,加快构建“幼教优育、优育优育”的高质量基础教育体系。对学生的教育。” 各地要研究制定可量化、可评估、可检查的实施方案,建立健全推进机制并有效落实。 要以“拓展卓越”为中心,根据基础教育“三科一类”的不同特点,采取适当方式拓展卓越。

确保学前教育全民受益的行动。 针对学前教育保障机制不健全、普遍资源不足等问题,《扩容提质规划》明确提出,“各地公办幼儿园生均公共经费标准原则上达到每人600元/年”。 2024 年的人”,需要优化。 普惠资源结构,稳步增加公办学位供给,积极支持民办幼儿园提供普惠服务。 在新增人口集中的城市地区新建、改建、扩建一批公园。 要加强对民办幼儿园收费的监管,切实解决部分民办幼儿园收费高、贵族化问题。

加强学校建设,提高义务教育质量。 针对义务教育阶段优质教育资源总量不足、配置不均、城乡学校差距大等问题,《扩容提质规划》明确提出,要激发潜力、提升素质。扩大优质学校,评估办学条件、办学水平和公众认可度。 对高等学校“一校一案”,合理制定挖潜扩能工作方案,进一步扩大优质学位供给。 要制定本地区新建优质学校成长发展规划,落实配套政策和保障措施,加快建设一批“家门口”、质量更好的新建优质学校。条件好、质量高、群众满意。 要优化城乡教育资源配置和学校布局,适当整合农村小、散、薄弱学校,着力加强标准化寄宿制学校建设。

教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展__教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展

普通高中内涵建设行动。 针对普通高中多元化发展不足、部分县域下陷、大众高职普分分流焦虑等问题,《扩容提质规划》明确提出,要深度挖掘高职院校资源潜力。 ——优质普通高中,增加学位供给,结合实际优化招生。 有序规划安排扩大优质普通高中招生规模。 推进托管帮扶县城,加强县城标准化建设,进一步振兴县城。 推动普通高中多元化发展,支持一批基础较好的地区和学校率先开展特殊学校办学试点,积极发展综合性高中。

特殊教育学生关怀倡议。 针对特殊教育资源不足、适宜性低的问题,《扩容提质规划》明确,鼓励人口20万以上县举办符合标准的特殊教育学校,有条件的县举办特殊教育学校。 20万以下人口因地制宜设立特殊教育学校。 课程; 推动省会城市、计划单列市及较大城市加快自闭症儿童特殊教育学校建设。 积极发展学前教育和高中特殊教育。 推动特殊教育与普通教育、职业教育、医疗康复、信息技术融合,加强一体化教育资源建设。


开展青少年学生读书运动,是从德育“基石”筑起教育强国“栋梁”的战略部署,是以“小事”写好素质教育“大文章”的举措。切口”。 今年3月,教育部等八部门印发《全国青少年学生读书行动实施方案》,全国学校积极响应,迅速落实。 下一步,我们要丰富载体,不断创新活动方式,强化阅读活动的互动性和学生的参与意识,组织家长、校长参加读书会,邀请优秀榜样进校园推广阅读,共同推动阅读活动的开展。建设“书香校园”。 要建立充分发挥名师、“五老”等群体力量的机制,建立学生读书引导机制和激励机制,展示和交流学生读书成果,增强学生读书的内在动力。读书,积极营造校内外适宜的读书环境。 要加强宣传,组织媒体广泛报道,加大品牌读书活动宣传力度,营造良好读书氛围。

党的二十大报告把教育、科学技术、人才作为全面建设社会主义现代化国家的基础性战略支撑。 从服务经济社会发展、提高人才培养质量的角度来看,必须大力加强科学教育。 今年5月,教育部等18部门印发《关于加强新时代中小学科学教育的意见》。 关键是坚持问题导向、系统思考、全面深入落实。 校内要解决“软”问题,落实《校内科学教育质量提升计划》重点项目,建立工作台账,开展调查指导; 保质保量完成教学和实验课程的规定动作,拓展科学实践活动,激发学生兴趣。 ,培养学生的科学梦想; 尤其要从源头加强高素质专业理科教师供给。 校外要解决“散”问题,清查、选补资源,加强场馆、基地、营地、园区、生产线等资源建设开放,加快统一平台建设加强供需对接,加大对科学教育的关注力度,加强资源宣传推广,让相关资源共建共享,让热爱科学、学习科学、运用科学成为社会潮流。


习近平总书记指出,实施“双减”政策有一个过程,必须长期坚持。 要引导家长、学校、社会等各方提高认识,推动落实“双减”工作要求,促进学生全面发展。 “双减”工作事关立德树人根本任务的落实,事关人民群众的教育期望,事关社会稳定和国家安全。 对此,我们要坚持政治层面“双减”、民生层面“双减”、经常层面“双减”,坚决打好这场政治战。

坚定不移加强校外培训监管。 区分纪律性和非纪律性培训机构,根据不同特点实行分类管理,引导其找到自身定位、回归应有角色。 对于学科型培训机构,要严守诺言、永不放松,严格控制数量,坚守公益属性; 对于“补缺口”的需要,必须建立诊断干预机制,避免时间重复增量; 针对“修养”的需要,按照科学体系进行筛选和培养,避免学习提前、超标,引发新的焦虑。 对于非学科院校,我们将按照设置标准对院校进行一一排查,尽快将所有院校纳入平台,引导其实现与校园非学科教育的差异化,确保其价格、质量、安全让人满意,为学生发展兴趣爱好提供有益的补充。 开展“疫苗接种监督保障”“澄清”等专项行动,保持高压态势,开展专项排查治理,坚决防止假期训练反弹。

_教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展_教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展

Persistently improve the quality of school education and teaching. Strengthen operation management, and on the basis of "reducing total quantity and controlling time", focus on "adjusting structure and improving quality" to continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of operations. It is necessary to continuously improve the level of after-school services, conduct a survey on students' interest index, a survey on parents' needs, and a survey on school teachers' course applications and teaching intentions; coordinate the use of social resources, continuously enrich the content of after-school services, and satisfy students' " Diverse learning and development needs such as homework, practice, support for the weak, and specialties" are provided in hierarchical categories to provide personalized services. Improve the teaching and research system, improve teaching methods, support strong and weak students, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude, so that students can learn enough and learn well in school. The education department must work with relevant departments to solve problems such as insufficient teacher staffing, overburden, and insufficient incentives, mobilize teachers' enthusiasm, and continuously improve the quality of education.

Make overall plans and deepen the comprehensive reform of education. "Double reduction" is a temporary solution, but it will force internal changes in the education system. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the content of the high school and college entrance examinations, effectively improve the quality of propositions, strictly prohibit the use of subject competition test questions and off-campus training content as examination content, highlight key ability tests, and achieve the integration of learning and teaching. We will further implement the compulsory education exam-free admission to nearby schools, gradually increase the proportion of high-quality general high school enrollment indicators allocated to junior high schools in the region, and give priority to weak junior high schools. Strengthen the management of compulsory education school districts and the guidance of group-based school running, improve the level of school running in weak counties, steadily promote the exchange and rotation of principals and teachers, and promote the co-construction and sharing of high-quality resources. At the same time, we should conduct in-depth research on the policy reform of the integrated and coordinated development of vocational education, continuously improve the attractiveness of vocational education, and alleviate the educational anxiety caused by the diversion of vocational education from general education.

(5) Focus on strengthening the construction and management of course materials

Teaching materials reflect the will of the state and are a matter of state power. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the fifth collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on May 29 both put forward clear requirements for strengthening the construction and management of teaching materials. We must do a good job in teaching materials from the perspective of building a high-quality education system, providing education that satisfies the people, and providing strong support for cultivating new people who will shoulder the great responsibility of national rejuvenation. It is necessary to further promote Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into course materials, complete the revision and review of local course materials with high quality, and further enhance the educational function of teaching materials. It is necessary to comprehensively improve the teaching material work system, establish and improve teaching material leadership and working institutions, and allocate strong work forces. We will implement the newly revised "Management Measures for the Selection of Teaching Materials for Primary and Secondary Schools", strictly enforce the selection and withdrawal mechanism for teaching materials, and promote the formation of a sound structure in which the fittest are selected and eliminated. The entrance of textbooks, teaching aids, and reading materials into the campus must be strictly controlled, and everyone who enters the campus, classroom, or school bag must be strictly controlled and no blind spots shall be left. Carry out good monitoring of the use of teaching materials, promote the use of evaluation to promote reform, use evaluation to promote management, and use evaluation to improve quality, and jointly create a good environment for teaching material work.

(6) Continue to deepen curriculum and teaching reform

Curriculum and teaching reform is a strategic measure for many countries around the world to enhance their comprehensive national strength and gather international competitiveness. At present, my country's basic education curriculum teaching still has a utilitarian tendency and lacks motivation for reform. It is urgent to trace the source, change the way of educating people, respect the laws of education and teaching, and stimulate vitality. To this end, in May this year, the Ministry of Education developed and issued the "Action Plan for Deepening the Reform of Basic Education Curriculum and Teaching", which proposed 14 breakthrough measures and provided an action guide for the reform of basic education curriculum and teaching. All localities must conscientiously implement action plans, enhance reform awareness, strengthen effect orientation, adhere to integrity and innovation, establish and improve promotion mechanisms, and continue to deepen curriculum and teaching reform. It is necessary to ensure that conditions such as funding investment, staffing, and equipment and facilities are in place, and to strengthen the overall allocation of resources required for key tasks. It is necessary to increase the publicity and promotion of typical experiences and outstanding achievements, give full play to the role of demonstration and leadership, and promote the balanced development of education.

(7) Concentrate efforts to build a high-quality teaching team

Teachers are the first resource for educational development. 加强教育,首先要加强师资队伍。 The key to improving the quality of basic education lies in improving the overall quality of teachers. General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the construction of the teaching team and has made important instructions many times, emphasizing the need to improve the quality of teachers, improve teachers' treatment, care about teachers' health, safeguard teachers' rights and interests, and make teachers the most respected and enviable profession in society.

教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展__教育部副部长王嘉毅:立足基点战略定位 系统推进基础教育高质量发展

In 2022, eight departments including the Ministry of Education issued the "Plan for Strengthening Basic Education Teachers in the New Era". To promote the "strengthening" of the basic education teacher team in the new era, we must focus on achieving the "five strong points": First, strengthen the spirit. The Ministry of Education is studying the spirit of educators. All localities must strengthen spiritual guidance, strengthen the ideological and political construction of teachers, and use Xi Jinping's new era The thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics unites the heart and forges the soul. The second is to strengthen teachers' ethics. All localities must adhere to the first standard of teachers' ethics and ethics, consolidate the main responsibilities of schools, and consolidate the effectiveness of centralized learning and education of teachers' ethics and ethics. It is necessary to implement the faculty access inquiry and employment prohibition system, strengthen warning education, and have "zero tolerance" for teacher ethics violations. It is necessary to establish a departmental linkage mechanism to improve the ability of teachers to respond to public opinion on ethics. The third is to strengthen quality. The Ministry of Education is studying and promoting the improvement of the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics and further improving the quality of teacher talent training. This year, the National Excellent Primary and Secondary School Teacher Training Plan ("National Excellent Plan") will be launched, which will improve the training of public-funded normal students in normal universities affiliated to the ministry. Model, carry out the training of a new batch of famous teachers and principals in primary and secondary schools. All localities should organize and carry out teacher training based on actual conditions, strengthen teaching research, and improve teachers' teaching level. The fourth is to strengthen governance. It is necessary to promote the comprehensive reform of teacher management, increase the overall allocation of teaching staff and cross-regional adjustments, and promote the scale, structure and quality of the teacher team to meet the needs of high-quality development of basic education. The fifth is to strengthen guarantees, attach great importance to the issue of teacher salary payment and benefits protection, and promote the implementation of a linkage mechanism in which the salaries and benefits of compulsory education teachers are adjusted with the wages and benefits of local civil servants.

(8) Do a solid job in student safety

The issue of student safety is a sensitive nerve in society, and all aspects of society pay close attention to it. It is necessary to further improve the safety management of primary and secondary schools and make every effort to prevent and contain various safety incidents.

Improve mechanisms and consolidate responsibilities. Strengthen the leadership responsibilities of local party committees and governments in grasping campus safety work in primary and secondary schools, establish and improve departmental linkage mechanisms, highlight key safety prevention points such as student bullying, drowning, and traffic accidents, and further improve the safety of "clear responsibilities, knowing responsibilities, fulfilling responsibilities, and being accountable" Responsibility system, improve the assessment mechanism, and ensure implementation. Improve the rapid response mechanism for safety accidents, respond promptly, report information in a timely manner, and respond to social concerns in a timely and effective manner.

Digital empowerment and enhanced prevention. Promote the construction of intelligent security systems in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, improve risk monitoring, early warning and emergency response capabilities, and promote the transformation of governance models to pre-emptive prevention. Strengthen information communication and interconnection among education, public security, cyberspace and other departments, and use cloud computing, big data, face recognition, artificial intelligence and other information technology methods to create an education "eyes in the sky system" to play an important role in early identification, risk analysis, prevention and control coordination, and prevention. Resolve other effects and comprehensively improve school safety management capabilities and governance efficiency.

Ensure ideological security and hold firm. Schools in all regions must improve their political stance, firmly establish political security awareness, strengthen the leadership responsibilities of party organizations, and especially strengthen the management of classroom teaching, forum activities, student club activities, etc.

(This article is compiled based on the author's speech at the 2023 Basic Education Reform and Development Seminar, with modifications)

(The author Wang Jiayi is a member of the Party Leadership Group, Vice Minister, and Chief Superintendent of the Ministry of Education)



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